"This sacrament constitutes a true immersion in the death of Christ, to rise with Him in a new life. It is a bath of regeneration by water and the Spirit and that illuminates us with the grace of Christ." -Pope Francis
Through baptism we become members of Christ's body, the Church. In baptism, as we are cleansed with water, we die with Christ. As we come out of the water, we rise with Him. It is here we are given life anew - we receive the life of God in our souls - also known as Sanctifying Grace.
To have your child baptized, parents must attend a class and at least one parent needs to be a parish member. Baptisms are celebrated after Sunday Mass. Download more information about planning for your child's Baptism below.
Please contact Mary in the parish office (262) 968-3865 or by email.
For adults who are interested in receiving the Sacrament of Baptism, go to the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) page to learn more.